Scheme Offices & Information of Focal Point
Recent News & Updates:
- 16/11/2023: REOI for National Firm to Conduct Test Administration of NASS 2023
- 16/11/2023: Terms of References for National Firm to conduct Test Administration of NASS 2023
- 16/11/2023: REOI for National Assessment of Secondary Student Consultant (Individual)
- 16/11/2023: Terms of References and RFA for National Assessment of Secondary Student Consultant (Individual)
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Ministry of Education - MoEdu
Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education - DSHE
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Central Procurement Technical Unit - CPTU
National Academy for Educational Management - NAEM
National Curriculum and Textbook Board - NCTB
Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics - BANBEIS
Responsible officer’s information for collecting Scheme Idea from Implementing Agency
# | Name of the Scheme | Implementing Agency | Name & Dsignation of Focal Point | Mobile no | |
1 | Improving Access And Retention Through Harmonized Stipend Program | DSHE & DME | Md. Nurul Islam Chowdhury, Deputy Director (AQAU) | 01938195725 | |
2 | Improving Teaching-Learning In Bangla, English, Mathmatics, Scienc Teaching (PST) | Secondary Wing. DSHE | Md. Zahirul Alam, Deputy Director (Training) | 01717285829 | |
3 | Additional Class Teaching (ACT) Scheme | Secondary Wing. DSHE | Md. Aminul Islam Tuku, Assistant Director, (Secondary-1) | 01712584669 | |
4 | Strengthening Reading Habit And Reading Skills Among Secondary Students | Secondary Wing. DSHE | Durga Rani Sikder, Assistant Director, (Secondary-2) | 01716964075 | |
5 | Incentive For Secondary Teachers In Disadvantaged Areas & Institutions | Secondary Wing. DSHE | Kawsar Ahmed, Assistant Director, (Secondary, SESIP) | 01710499311 | |
6 | Teachers Time Spent-Teaching (TST) | DSHE MEW | Selina Zaman, Deputy Director (MEW) | 01711315686 | |
7 | Adolescent Students Program (ASP) | DSHE MOHF | Dil Afroz Binte Achir, Assistant Director, (Planning & Development-2) | 01716919173 | |
8 | Improving National Examinations And Assessment Of Secondary Education | DSHE, MEW, BEDU, BISE, Dhaka | Linun Nahar, Assistant Director (MEW) | 01718668036 | |
9 | Performance Based Grants For Secondary Institutions | Secondary Wing. DSHE | Tanvir Mosharaf Khan, Assistant Director (F&P) | 01718480326 | |
10 | Strengthening Decentralized Education Management, Governce M&E System And MPO Rationalization | Planning and Development Wing & MEW, DSHE | Md. Enamul Houque Howlader, Deputy Director (College-2) | 01716800303 | |
11 | Strengthening Procurement And Fiduciary Management | Finance and Procurement wing of DSHE | Mohiuddin Ahmed, Assistant Director (F&P) | 01726208040 | |
12 | Strengthening EMIS And Grant Management System (GMS) | EMIS Cell of DSHE, DME | Muhammad Jamilur, Rhaman, Programar (EMIS) | 01713336191 | |
13 | Infrastructure Facilities For Secondary Institutions | EED and concerned agencies DSHE & DME | Md. Khalequzzaman, Deputy Director Engineeing (Planning & Development-2) | 01914754516 | |
14 | Strengthening Teacher Quality & Establishment Of Teacher Education Center | DSHE (P&D wing, Training wing) DME | Mohammad Mazharul Hoque Masud, Assistant Director (Training-1) | 01712536885 | |
15 | National Teacher Education Council (NTEC) | Training wing and planning & Development wing of DSHE | Sabina Begum, Assistant Director, (Planning & Development-1) | 01715192472 | |
16 | Enhancing Use Of ICT For Pedagogy | DSHE & DME with help of BANBEIS and NCTB | Md. Anowrul Aual Khan, Assistant Director (Training) | 01717144682 | |
17 | Enhancing Use Of ICT For Pedagogy | Md Mokhles ur Rahman, NCTB | |||
18 | Improving Quality And Relevance Of Curriculum | Dr. Iquebal hayder, NCTB |
Education Adviser
Ministry of Education

Wahiduddin Mahmud
Education Adviser
Ministry of Education
Secretary, Secondary and Higher Education Division

Siddique Zobair
Senior Secretary
Secondary and Higher Education Division
Ministry of Education
Tel: 02-223356679
Program Coordinator, SEDP

Nuzhat Yasmin
Additional Secretary (Admin & Finance) &
Program Coordinator (PC)
Secondary Education Development Program
Ministry of Education
Tel: 02-41053683
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